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 Re-Test Result : MilaDD

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Posts : 800

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 2-0-0

Duel Career : 122-0-71

YGOPro Name : DarkMadzishN

YCC Silver
Weekly Bash Gold
1st Division

Re-Test Result : MilaDD Empty
PostSubject: Re-Test Result : MilaDD   Re-Test Result : MilaDD Icon_m11Wed May 15, 2013 11:51 am
Match Duel #1: Blackwing vs Gadget - 2:0

0/10 points

Deck Construction: 14/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points

Notes: Your deck is full of traps which is kinda normal , but your choice of those traps is kinda wierd.You don't run MST's , Heavy storm ( i understand why you dont run heavy storm , but you should try fitting in MST's). You run 2 Stardust Dragons , but no tuners or starlight roads.Also , your choice of traps is kinda wierd... ( Memory of an Adversary is good , but it makes you get alot of damage , Magic drain , Divine Wrath , 1x Double summon , Magic Jammer..) , id rather add fiendish chains , compulsorys , torrental tributes etc...

Duel 1:
No major missplays.

Duel 2:
When i used my facedown mind control for absolutely nothing , you should've known that i had to do it to clean field so my gorz will be playable. You should've went for Shock Master on next turn and that would get you victory.But you didnt , you made Roach ...
After that it was Game-Over.

Duel 3:

Match Duel #2: Thunder vs Old Style Chaos - 2:1

3/10 points

Deck Construction: 16/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points

Notes : Deck looks solid.
Duel 1:
Very nice victory for you , made me use all my traps then you used reborn and attacked for game.

Duel 2:
I made a nice comeback in this duel , you were in control from beggining , but i turned things around and won the duel at the end.

Duel 3 :
No major missplays.

Total 64/105


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 69/105

You will be staying in Slifer Red Dorm.


Posts : 66

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 20-1-37

Re-Test Result : MilaDD 2ntv8so
Re-Test Result : MilaDD 2ntv8so
1st Division

Re-Test Result : MilaDD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Result : MilaDD   Re-Test Result : MilaDD Icon_m11Wed May 15, 2013 7:08 pm
that trap deck is used to negate mostly all spells/ traps and summons that people usualy use in games
Mst still make you able to acktivate your facedown witch is a dissadvantage for me but your right i should have used torrential tribute instead of some of the other traps
i have starlight road as side deck and i didnt need to use it

i had mst and heavy + 3 trap eaters incase for a counter to my traps but you didnt use decree so i skipped adding them

i didnt have to use most of my side deck against you but you won in the end because you had the advantage Smile

my misplay was that i thought roach would negate gorz and i kinda knew you had him but i was mistaken of the effekt chain

at duel nr 2 i belive i did my best with no mistakes it is possible that i know how to use that deck more because i been using it long enought


Team : Toxic Flamingos

Posts : 1366

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 50-0-57

YGOPro Name : Azi

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Bronze
1st Division

Re-Test Result : MilaDD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Result : MilaDD   Re-Test Result : MilaDD Icon_m11Thu May 16, 2013 5:53 pm
Tester DP Awarded and Thread Locked!
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Re-Test Result : MilaDD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Result : MilaDD   Re-Test Result : MilaDD Icon_m11

Re-Test Result : MilaDD

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