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 Retest Results : Rayonkiller

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Team : Tricksters

Posts : 479

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 29-0-24

YGOPro Name : Katana

Weekly Bash Silver
Retest Results : Rayonkiller 2ntv8so
1st Division

Retest Results : Rayonkiller Empty
PostSubject: Retest Results : Rayonkiller   Retest Results : Rayonkiller Icon_m11Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:55 am
REPLAYS: http://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/I3mzYZ9v5YPBUW52XlBsIFCNqnwApNANLtnNSnyhVpw

Match 1

Wind-Ups vs Six Samurai 1:2 -8/10 points

Performance: 15/20 points

Duel 1: First turn I open TKR and a face down fiendish chain. You go ahead and find a way to get around Thunder King with Starform Dragon. I don't like how it decreased your card advantage, but it worked. I tried setting up big for turn 3, but turn 4 you went around TKR again and ended the game. No notable misplays here.

Duel 2: Sided 2x Effect Veiler & Fairy Wind. I do think going into T.G Librarian was a bit hasty to make a play, but it wasn't anything major. I would have set elder to fodder for Enishi, and stall up to have a better feel of options with the hand you had. Eventually by turn 7 I took the game with Alucard destroying your Kagemusha.

Duel 3: I don't know why you would allow me to go 1st. Going 1st is always the way to go. You get a better chance to set-up more than your opponent. I set up with TKR, and again you get around it with a dark hole - nice. You topped and elder, and easily swarmed the field ending with Great Shogun Shien. Grandmaster loop was opening up more options for you as I used Mirror Force, and Thunder King on your Grandmaster... Turn 6, you should've just attacked rather than using Enishi, Shien's Chancellor effect., as you can't attack and even if you had game, I could've dodged with Rabbit.

Deck: 13/20 points

You didn't have a 15 card extra. Your deck ran nicely game 1. You went into Starform, which is a good card against TKR. I still don't think it was safe because you went -2 going into the monster. You want to maintain your card advantage throughout the game. If I had an out, it would be trouble. Game 2 you were having trouble with consistency throughout the whole duel. I suggest taking out a few cards so you can fit in some staple traps and backrow to help, and you won't ultimately lose to traps, or when you need to protect monsters like Shi En through attacks.

I would :
- Driven Daredevil
- Naturia Landoise
- Librarian
+ Scrap Dragon
M-X -Saber to open up more XYZ and Synchro options
Wind-Up Zenmaines, Gem-Knight Pearl, or Abyss Dweller
- Shien's Scheme
- Backs to the wall
- Six Scrolls of the Six Samurai - You want to have more traps to help you in the duel (Bottmless, D-prison, Mirror Force, Fiendish Chain, Compulsory Evacuation device, and maintain the +0-+1 in the gamestate. Back to the walls is a great card, but it is extremely risky take your LP down for 100, especially if your opponent has a hand trap to stop you from taking the game. Six Scrolls is a -2 when it comes to card advantage, and Shogun alone isn't a card that will ultimately win you the game. Most of the time, the six sams going into an XYZ or a Synchro will be more optimal.

Match 2

Zombies vs Dragunity 2:0 0/10 points

Performance: 15/20 points

Duel 1: Turn 1 you set morphing jar and 3 spell and trap. I don't think this was a very optimal play as if I had a heavy storm this would be a major run for your game (I solemned Morphing Jar seeing through your plan). After a while of draw and go on your end, for your last resolve you went Magical Mallet and topped a heavy. You went into your stardust. You negated with stardust thinking you could bring it back, but since it wasn't synchro summoned properly, but by SLR, you can't ss it back with its own effect nor any other card effect like "Monster Reborn". After that, I took the game with Maestroke a couple of turns later.

Duel 2: Turn 1 you got rid of your Leggionaiire. That wasn't optimal, because you could've gotten a free +1 off of the card alone with the plays I was making. You should have normal summoned dux to have a 1900 ATK monster on the board at least. Turn 7 you got off a legion play, now we are getting somewhere! I had book of life unfortunately, and got rid of your aklys in grave. Turn 10 I took the game with another book of life. gg

Duel 3: N/A

Deck: 12/20 points

Where is mst? Where are the other staples to help you from losing to trap cards? I could see where you were going with the deck, but the combos seem to be situational and more combo-based then it actually needs to be. If you are going to run a low trap count Dragunity, I suggest looking into "Tempest Dragunity". It is a lot faster and tends to have more standoff plays rather than synch into 8 for 3 turns. For now I'll go ahead and work with the deck build you have presented me. I see you are trying to get out Red Nova with Inferno Reckless Summon, but I don't think Dragunity would be the best choice to get it out. Have you tried playing it with "Lavals"?

I would :
- Magical Mallet - If gives you a -1 during card advantage and you aren't running a deck where you need to keep testing your luck to get what you need like Exodia.
- Dark Bribe
- 1 of the 2 of Leyvaten- I honestly don't think Leyvaten should be in the deck, but it is opinionated, so I won't dock points for that.
- Morphing Jar : morphing Jar I know gives you a re-set of hands, but it also does so for your opponent, which doesn't ultimately help you. At least not with this deck.
- Sea Dragon Lord
-1 Catastor, you don't really need 2
-1 Stardust, you don't need 2 stardust either
-1 I wouldn't opt for 2 Red Nova either, as you probably will only run through it once through an entire duel.

+ 2 Mystical Space Typhoon
+ 1-2 Forbidden Lance
+ Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7
+ Hieratic Dragon King of Atum, you already have rank 6 options, you might as well use this to help pull out your plays with inferno, and go into Redmd + a synchro 8 play.
+ 1 Photon Strike Bounzer
+1 I would try to fit in Blackwing- Zephyros the Elite as dragunity can abuse this card best with Ravine, and REDMD.

Total: 63/100


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 68/100

You shall be staying in Slifer Red Dorm! Keep trying at it, and I'm sure you will do better next time!



Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 1559

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 32-0-5

YGOPro Name : Sabbaticus

Team Wars Silver
Order of Chaos
Weekly Bash Gold
3rd Division

Retest Results : Rayonkiller Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retest Results : Rayonkiller   Retest Results : Rayonkiller Icon_m11Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:08 am
Tester DP Awarded, Member DP Deducted & Thread Locked!

Retest Results : Rayonkiller

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