Match Duel: X-Sabers vs. Photon
Single Duel: Chaos Agent vs. Laval
Match: 0/30 points
Single: 10/10 points
Match Deck Construction: 5/10 points
Match Performance: 10/20 points
Match Notes:
Deck Build - I didn't like the Reckless Greeds for this deck - it doesn't look like you can get any real advantage from using them; probably better to add more useful traps instead. Also, I've looked at both duels and I didn't notice any side-decked cards - so either you didn't have any useful cards to side or no side at all. You should work on this part - a good side deck is a must.
Game 1 - The duality play gave you the option to get a 2nd reckless greed which if you already have one down you should take in order not to minus yourself - but you opted for the MST due to me playing a face down. I guess it wasn't a clear choice but then the 1 reckless greed stopped you for two turns while I could set up my winning combos uninterrupted. The reborn you played might have been a bit early - usually its better to conserve it for later. (Note you got dark holed on the two monsters) Other than that I didn't see any clear misplay. Positive note: The solemn warning was correctly played - unlucky for you I had a follow up with Reborn. (Side note: I just realized that I forgot to activate Leviathan's effect. lol)
Game 2 – Nothing really that you could have done differently in this one. You played the warning correctly, but again I had reborn to put a major field presence on. Then all you could do is let my Naturia Beast negate your Reborn. Again, if you had let's say a Prison instead of Reckless you could have fared better.
Replays: Deck Construction: 9/10 points
Single Performance: 13/20 points
Single Notes:
Deck Build - Nothing new here - the standard Laval deck build used in the OCG.
You played the duel fairly OK, though I do feel that you're wasting key cards too fast and leaving yourself without resources for later on. For example the dark hole followed by Reborn was very risky; it could have possibly cost you the duel but a major top deck of the conduction field essentially gave you the win.
Replay: Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 1/2
Grand Total: 51/100
You will be placed in the Slifer Red dorm.
Good luck on your next test; follow my tips and I'm sure you'll do better.