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 Retest Results : Tono1997a

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Team : Tricksters

Posts : 479

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 29-0-24

YGOPro Name : Katana

Weekly Bash Silver
Retest Results : Tono1997a 2ntv8so
1st Division

Retest Results : Tono1997a Empty
PostSubject: Retest Results : Tono1997a   Retest Results : Tono1997a Icon_m11Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:41 pm
Match 1:

Chaos Dragons vs. Grave keepers (with Verz Mix-Up) 2:0 0/10 points

Performance: 17/20

Duel 1: Turn one we both start off with some small set-ups. I set 1 monster and passed, while you set a monster, and a spell/trap. I flip ryko resolving his effect, and get rid of that mirror force. I tribute ryko for Darkflare, and your guard gets me. Next turn you swing for 1200 damage with recruiter. I got rid of recruiter, and you searched for Commandant. Nice, because next turn you used Necrovalley. You tried going for the Beetle lock with Necrovalley, but unfortunately for you, I had veiler. Next turn I got rid of the beetle. After a few more turns, I went for a BRD play, but before hand, you got to re-draw with Maxx “C” placed nicely. After a couple of turns, you ran out of decent options, and I took the game. No real notable misplays here.

Duel 2: Sided out a Stele for Duality. Don’t know why you didn’t add Gravekeeper’s Spy back to hand with Stele. Spy is one of your biggest options here. Although, I don’t know why you didn’t check grave before activating necrovalley and setting kerykeion. If you had an evilswarm to add back to the hand, that would’ve been a waste of an option. Be weary.

Duel 3: NA

Deck: 14/20

To start off, I suggest either sticking with just grave keeper build, or just an Verz build for this deck. It was a great attempt to ensure originality, and your creativity, but there was more negative knock back, considering how hard it was for you to come back, the consistency, and the limited amount of options you had, as the game continued.

1st off I would suggest taking out a set of cards for the deck you have already :

(-) Cyber Dragons, Tragoedia, Maxx “C” (Maxx “C” should be in the side deck for testing environment. It may be a good call meta-wise, but this is different). Thunder King is ok in this build, although it is more for the stronger anti-meta approach with GK.

(+) Gravekeeper’s Spy x1, Gravekeeper’s Descendant x1, Gravekeeper’s Recruiter x1, Dimensional Prison x2/ Torrential Tribtute x2.

(-) (Since the Cyber Dragons are out) (Chimeratech Fortress Dragon(x2)), Evilswarm Thanatos(x1), 2 is highly debatable.

(+) Diamond Dire Wolf, Abyss-dweller, and possibly Gem-Knight pearl in place of 1 Thanatos.

Match 2:

Chaos Agents vs. Rank 4, and Synchro Toolbox. 2:1 5/10

Performance: 17/20

Duel 1: 1st turn I just set a face-down card and passed. Turn 2, you set cards, and passed as well. I re-passed the turn. Then you went for King of the Feral Imps. I negated the search with Herald, and the card-advantage was reset for both of us. I drew into Thunder King and swing. You activate Gentlemander’s effect in hand, and I just re-attack into it. Don’t know why you didn’t just take the 1900 points of damage. After a few swings for damage, you went into maestroke rank 4 this play. I thought that was nice, considering you didn’t know what backrow I had. I negated with Thunder King and we proceeded with the duel. Next turn you used Dark Calling, and brought upon Evil HERO Dark Gaia, with 4000 ATK. A nice set-up beatstick and took me down halfway. One more attack would’ve have been able to seal the duel, but unfortunately for you, I had Dark Hole. I finally got a venus play in next turn, and I took the game going into Daigusto Phoenix.

Duel 2: Sided in Trag, TKR, Torrential Tribute(x2), Forbidden Chalice. This game you took with relative ease. Thought Ruler Archfiend Synchro play was a bit hard for me to get over. You ran over thunder-king easily this time with ease. After a couple of swings, you took the game going into Crimson Blader. No misplays.

Duel 3: I start off with Thunder King yet again. This time when I swung for an attack on gentlemander, you locked me by summoning a second gentelmander during the battle-phase - nice. You overlayed into maestroke again to get rid of my monsters and passed. I revived TKR with Call and swung for 1900. Next turn you used Dark Calling and banished in hand for another 4k Gaia. I thought just waiting out and using the monsters in your hand to set-up instead of killing your card advantage would have been the safest and optimal option here. You attacked my TKR, and I summoned Trag Afterwards. Next turn, I took control of your Gaia, by discarding BLS via Trag. Shortly I took the game, as Gaia turned on you.

Deck: 16/20

It was a pretty good attempt to use this deck. The main deck looks pretty ok with the idea you have, although I would choose something more sophisticated with the rank 4s and Synchros, such as a Hunder deck for testing. Gentlemander was working ok during the duel, but I think that should be taken out, so you can toolbox your other main cards in the deck better. Possibly another Goblindbergh, or another mst/lance, or possibly a solemn warning.

I would:

(-) Evilswarm Ourobos and Daigusto Emeral. 3rd Feral Imp Isn’t needed

(+) Diamond Dire Wolf and Abysss-dweller. Shock master, since you have a level 4 toolbox, or Scrap Dragon, to get rid of troublesome cards. Note as a bonus, Chemenlon can even combo well with the options for Scrap Dragon, if for some random reason Gozen-Match is sided against you.

Total: 64/100


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 69/100

You shall be staying in the
Slifer Red Dorm.
For the most part, the only thing I think that hindered you from getting Yellow were your technical choices with your decks, and the decks you chose for testing. I’m sure you will do better next time! Good luck!


Team : Toxic Flamingos

Posts : 1366

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 50-0-57

YGOPro Name : Azi

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Bronze
1st Division

Retest Results : Tono1997a Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retest Results : Tono1997a   Retest Results : Tono1997a Icon_m11Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:57 pm
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