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 Re-Test Results : Blackbeard

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Posts : 800

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 2-0-0

Duel Career : 122-0-71

YGOPro Name : DarkMadzishN

YCC Silver
Weekly Bash Gold
1st Division

Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Empty
PostSubject: Re-Test Results : Blackbeard   Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Icon_m11Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:42 am
Match Duel #1: Thunder vs Blue-Eyes/Maiden - 2:0

0/10 points

Deck Construction : 17/20 points
Performance : 16/20 points

Notes : Solid blue-eyed maiden deck , i prefer Chaos version / book version of it , unfortunally Divine Judgment is banned so that rules out book version.

Duel 1 :No missplays. I slowly got lifepoint advantage while in mean time abused Sishunder+Sea horse untill i got everything i needed to win. I destroyed your maiden , angel , blue eyes and then on my turn went for the victory.

Duel 2 : This duel began in a good way for you , you summoned Silver Dragon and wanted to stall me untill you got blue eyes and other things , luckly for me i had heavy storm to clean your backrow + Pahunder and prism to sync into flashing carat and destroy your blue-eyed silver dragon. After that you couldn't make a comeback andi won duel & match.

Duel 3 : N/A

Match Duel #2: Constellar vs Rank 5 Spam - 2:1

3/10 points

Deck Construction : 16/20 points
Performance : 16/20 points

Notes : Solid deck , alltho i would replace night beams with MST's.

Duel 1 : At the beggining you started very well , dealed 4800 damage on your first turn was impressive.I destroyed your shark fortress with Paladynamo , set two facedowns and ended turn.Sadly for me you were able to summon Volcasaurus and deal alot of damage and then go into Gaia Dragon ( which got dprisoned) , at end you were left with nothing in hand on field and i had pollux and sheratan on field inattack positions , you topdecked Mist Archfiend and that was enough for you to win the duel.

Duel 2 : Turn 2 : You set reborn , night beam , lance , i chained MST and destroyed your beam. On my turn i summoned Zenmaioh and destroyed the rest of your facedowns. Later you tried with Volca+Gaia Dragon but i had answers for everything so i won the duel.

Duel 3 : In one turn you left me with 1000 lifepoints (that said everything).Unfortunally for you , i had backrow to protect me and kill your monsters , and on turn 6 summon honest , messier and attack for game.

Total 68/105


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 73/105

You will be moving to Slifer Red Dorm.


Team : Former Sabertooth Member

Posts : 113

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 4-0-5

YGOPro Name : None...

Re-Test Results : Blackbeard 2ntv8so
Re-Test Results : Blackbeard 2ntv8so
1st Division

Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Results : Blackbeard   Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Icon_m11Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:04 am
I actually don't understand why only 16 on the second deck. all the cards are in place, nothing is a bad choice, and each one of them is very important to the strategy, and it is as original as a yugioh deck can be... No focusing on archtype, type or atrribute. and it almost won the WORST match-up a test can bring(considering otk decks forbidden). i don't understand why the minus 3 points.
And i don't mention the blue-eyes build that i believe was really good, having smart choices like cardcar because in a lot of my games my opp cant trigger maiden and destroy BEWD in the same turn, so it makes a lot of passive turns in which cardcar becomes handy(of course you had the perfect answer of scrap+heavy so you might didn't see that ><). also more original choice like chamions vigilance which without the heavy would have done a lot. the only change i would make ie adding the dragons special heavy, considering it can work if i have trade-in's to cover it up. forgot about it before the match. although more then 1 might bad bad anyway so didn't matter a lot.


Posts : 800

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 2-0-0

Duel Career : 122-0-71

YGOPro Name : DarkMadzishN

YCC Silver
Weekly Bash Gold
1st Division

Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Results : Blackbeard   Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Icon_m11Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:14 am
Reason why you got 16 points on second deck is because its Netdecked.
Proof : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfUcg60y6PU
That's exact deck like yours.

Also , as i said i belive that "Chaos madein/piper" is more consistant and ... well better because you dont have to rely on just Blue Eyes and Maiden.


Team : Former Sabertooth Member

Posts : 113

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 4-0-5

YGOPro Name : None...

Re-Test Results : Blackbeard 2ntv8so
Re-Test Results : Blackbeard 2ntv8so
1st Division

Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Results : Blackbeard   Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Icon_m11Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:48 am
So? you testers decided that none deck will get maximum points unless it got original choices. netdecking? EACH one of the players in this forum are netdeckers, and almost ANY player in the world is a netdecker. every good player check out shriek and see Japanese build in a try to learn the future of yugioh, you don't have to take a whole Decklist to netdeck, even if you used a skeleton for a deck that you saw, that someone already worked on to make, it is netdecking. using the piper maiden is netdecking, isn't it? someone thought about it before me, and any build that i'l make will be simillar to this, cause it's the same idea. using idea of someone else is netdecking, not just copying a decklist. EVERY ONE IN THE WORLD IS A NETDECKER. even the world champions. if you will ever be building bujins lets say, and you use vanity's emptinnes - YOUR A NETDECKER! you think it became a staple, but what it actually is? a copy of someone else idea.
what i'm saying is that netdecking an unbreakable part of yugioh, and whatever yo did, someone thought about it before you, 99.9%. and if it bothers you, just say the maximum points for a deck is 17, cause i don't see a way to get more then that. you actually except people in this forum to bring build with ideas that NEVER has been used? don't flatter yourselves too much...

(went to chek out piper build) -> also i don't see the advantage of using the slow engine of piper while you can have wonder wand which is extremly important, and trade-in's(!). swap is a bad card this format, caius is the only way you abuse treeborn, and in general the so many hand-traps and stuff, i barely can see what your talking about, but i'l leave it for Doubt.


Posts : 800

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 2-0-0

Duel Career : 122-0-71

YGOPro Name : DarkMadzishN

YCC Silver
Weekly Bash Gold
1st Division

Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Results : Blackbeard   Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Icon_m11Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:10 am
I don't think you understand what netdecking means. Netdecking means you made a copy of someone elses deck and use that, not just the idea.  It does not show your deckbuilding skills to us and that is why you lost points.


It is the exact same main deck build, just with Forbidden Lance instead of Mystical Space Typhoon.


Team : Former Sabertooth Member

Posts : 113

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 4-0-5

YGOPro Name : None...

Re-Test Results : Blackbeard 2ntv8so
Re-Test Results : Blackbeard 2ntv8so
1st Division

Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Results : Blackbeard   Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Icon_m11Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:24 am
But think about it, when people netdeck? no one hear about another HERO deck that topped in the uk and copy it's decklist. people will netdeck if they will see that a... lets say GB ED went topping and that laquari-fire, bestiari-wind, retiari-water and equeste-earth worked really well with the deck. then, you start to see so many people on dn with GB ED. it's like what i said on vanity's emptiness in bujin, people copy ideas more then you can say that they are copying decks. because most Serious players will adept any deck they'r taking to their likes and use the cards they believe in, so in the end they have a different build, but the skeleton for it was netdecked, that's why i'm saying not only that taking an idea is netdecking, but also that everyone does that, even without noticing.
if someone saw skeletons for thunder and now being tested while his build only have minor changes in backrow and monster line-up, he's batter then me?

So about his build, i didn't addepted it because i believed it was perfect, i know exactly why every card is putted there, and there isn't much place to make changes. so i know as a good player and builder exactly the place for every card, and decide to leave it like that. just like robi(mkhol40) toke argentinian build for gadgets and changed it a little of what he believes. if you know exactly why each card is in the deck, you know what you'r doing. the idea itself will almost never be yours.


Team : Toxic Flamingos

Posts : 1366

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 50-0-57

YGOPro Name : Azi

Team Wars Silver
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Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Results : Blackbeard   Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Icon_m11Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:48 pm
Tester DP Awarded, Member DP Deducted, Dorm Assigned & Thread Locked!

If you have any further questions please PM your tester!
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Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Results : Blackbeard   Re-Test Results : Blackbeard Icon_m11

Re-Test Results : Blackbeard

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