Match 1
Madolche vs Psychic Gusto 2:0 - 0/10 points
Performance: 17/20 points
Duel 1: no missplays, you played well but I simply got advantage.
Duel 2: seemed like a repeat of game 1, but you started out really nicely with good field control. Eventually I could break through and take the game. A lack of side was the killer here though - Maxx "C" could potentially be your saviour as Madolche are very combo reliant.
Duel 3: N/A
Deck: 18/20 points
It looks like a really solid deck. Props to make it work well! I'd try to tech one D.D. Telepon. If your Emergency Teleport is MST'd, you can summon that. It makes your opponent either force that card to be attacked and therefor maybe waste an attack so a key card can live, or he will be banished and a key card can be summoned again. And since he's a level two, he helps even more with the next suggestion: add Gachi Gachi, you run a whole lot of level 2 cards that keep summoning each other so it isn't a bad choice to go for a bit more beatdown power.
I think Genex Ally Birdman could also create some interesting situations and should give your deck some more aggression (that's what I think Gusto lack). It's all just techs though! Try it out and see if any of it works.
Maxx "C" should definitely be in your side deck.
Match 2
Constellar vs Reptile XYZ 2:0 - 0/10 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Duel 1: this game was really close and ended up being a game whoever tops first wins. However, we both kept topping and having an answer for whatever the opponent threw at the other but in the end I used my Dark Hole that I saved to take the game.
Duel 2: crashing into Rai-Oh was a good choice because it set up a Tour Guide play in the next turn. On the last turn of the game you had, you should have activated Dark Hole and chained the Breakthrough Skill that was in your graveyard when Omega would use effect. I could take the game because you didn't clear him.
Duel 3: n/a
Deck: 18/20 points
I'd swap that single Forbidden Lance for another MST. Other than that it looks like a solid deck.
A single copy of Prohibition and Light-Imprisoning Mirror aren't really effective. Bump both up to 2.
Total: 69/100
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 74/100
You will be placed in the Slifer Red dorm. I see a lot of potential and you clearly have a good understanding of the game and the mechanics, as well as anticipating what moves your opponent will make. It seems that siding is your weakness though, so definitely work on that.