Match 1Destiny Zero vs. Geargia 2:1 - 5/10 points
Performance: 11/20 points
Duel 1: You had a nice start here, getting shock master - however you didn't have any follow up on it with more monsters to summon. This allowed me to get the control back. You made a mistake vs. my Plasma with the book of moon there; with a bit more experience you should avoid that next time. At your last turn you could go for a rank 4 XYZ or even summon machina fortress, not sure why you didn't go for an offesive play there.
Duel 2: Well played on turn 5 - you got a nice swarm and I didn't have any way to make a come back play there.
Duel 3: You've played the book of moon too early - it would probably be best to let me attack your monster, this let me get the plasma on board. You did have a come back play, but unfortunately for you I had dark hole. A turn later you should have probably dark holed my Zero and your trago - could buy you one more play - but at any rate I had all the control there.
Deck: 12/20 points
Interesting Geargia deck with the Redox tech; the monster and spell line-up is pretty good. The trap line up is a bit strange; you've got a lot of negation but a little short on protection. I'd say try to fit solemn judgment and maybe even 2 prisons in there.
Your side deck of 3 D-Fissures was a good choice; unfortunately you didn't manage to draw into them.
Replays: 2 Zombies vs. Prophecy 1:2 - 10/10 points
Performance: 16/20
Duel 1: Very good control duel here. I didn't see any clear mistakes. You've played your fates correctly using them to flip your monsters face down so I wouldn't have a follow up.
Duel 2: In this duel you had a pretty bad starting hand - and made a mistake attacking my face down monster; should have attacked the turtle there.
Duel 3: We both started with really bad hands - yours got released when you drew the 3rd book for GG.
Deck: 18/20
A good build for prophecy under the test condition that bans Judgment Day. I can't say anything is out of place there, maybe consider playing an extra spellbooks of life instead of some other card.
The side of 3 D-Fissures was again good (and again you didn't draw into them) - 3 consecrated light were a bit too much I think, especially since I have the Earth pyramid turtle in the deck; and indeed after you saw the pyramid on game 2 you sided them out for duel 3 - good move!
Replays: 72/100
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 77/100
You'll be joining the RA Yellow dorm. Keep practicing especially vs. cards you're less familar with in order to gain the experience that will help you advance to Obelisk eventually.
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