Match Duel #1: T.G. Stun vs D.D. Synchro Match Duel #2: Gravekeepers vs PsychicsMatch #1 = 5/10 points
Match #2 = 5/10 points
Match Deck #1 Construction = 8/20 points
Match #1 Performance = 10/20 points
Match Deck #2 Construction = 11/20 points
Match #2 Performance = 6/20 points
Total = 45/100
Different Decks = 3/3 points
Attitude = 2/2 points
Grand Total =
Replays: Comments:Your D.D. Deck is frankly all over the place. D.D. Sprite has nothing to do with actual D.D., you're running some random tuners like Kuribon, Witch of Black Rose and Junk Synchron, the later of which conflicts with your deck, and you're not running any form of backrow protection. You're even running Sakuretsu Armor without a second Mirror Force, which tells me this deck is probably older then the banlist where Mirror was semi'd. You're also lacking any sort of Xyz for all your level 4's. All in all this is a poor showing.
Your Gravekeeper deck is fairly standard with the notable exception of two Malefic Parallel Gear. Considering you're not using Malefic World, even if you were to synchro Summon that Synchro would be useless. Your extra deck is hobbled together at only 14 cards, 3 Gem-Knight Pearl, and the wasted Malefic Paradox Dragon. Take a look at current standard extra decks and get some variety.
Match 1:With 7900lp there was no reason to set your D.D. Sprite. You ended up wasting it in being destroyed.
There was no reason to use D.D. Dynamite knowing I have Barkion right there to negate your traps. You do this many times afterwards as well.
By constantly leaving your D.D. Survivors in attack mode I was able to continue doing damage to you. If they'd been in defense instead you would have missed many turns of taking damage.
You used Mystical Space Typhoon on my Call of the Haunted when it was no longer attached to a monster.
Match 2:I'm not sure you know how to play Gravekeepers. At numerous points in the match you had the opportunity for the simplest +1 combo in Gravekeepers: Descendant sacrifices Recruiter to destroy a monster, Recruiter fetches a Gravekeeper from deck. You never took advantage of this combination, or of Descendant's effect at all even when faced with a Gorz: In fact in the last match instead of doing this with multiple Spy summons and a Descendant from hand, you Xyz'd into Utopia and Gem-Knight Pearl. It was disapointing to watch. Please learn the basic combos of a deck before using it for testing.
Learn how to use the new cards that have been released. You will be placed in
Slifer Red.