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 New Legacy - Episode 0

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Team : Tricksters

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PostSubject: New Legacy - Episode 0   New Legacy - Episode 0 Icon_m11Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:06 pm
This is a Fan Fiction I wrote in DuelCity but never finished, but I'll start again, with some new story lines and characters etc which match the role playing characters we had. Any comments are welcome, but remember I'm doing this for fun; constructive criticism is welcome but no hating. PM me your role playing characters and I'll try and add you in the future (though it has to be reasonable - no immortal humans or robots lol).

New Legacy - Episode 0

1 year after the legendary Battle City tournament, the game of Duel Monsters took another evolution. With the introduction of KaibaCorp’s professional leagues, Duel Monsters became much more than a game; dueling became a sport and the top duelists became the world’s superstars. This story isn’t just for one character; it is for the next generation of duelists, their dreams, their struggles and I welcome you on this journey.

The air of the streets of Domino City was electrifying, there was only one thing on everyone’s mind; the finals of the first Pro League between Yugi Moto and Joey Wheeler. As everyone started to move to the stadium, one kid jumped out of his window and sneaked across the garden.

“Sorry mum! I can’t miss this duel”, muttered the kid as he joined the moving crowd. Around 10 years old, with jet-black hair and a pair of black glasses he gave a sharp impression to others. As he walked towards the stadium he saw a group of thugs beating up another kid similar to his age behind the card store.

“What did you say punk?’ growled one of the thugs.
“I said I don’t want to stea- argh”, the boy screamed as one of the thugs kicked him in the stomach.
“Look here, the store is closed. Just go in and take a few cards and come back. It’s nothing hard”, said another while holding up the boy by his hair.
“Okay, if you don’t want to sneak in, we’ll just throw you i-.”
“Here, sir! This is where they are hurting my friend!”
“****! Run!”
After the thugs ran off, somebody walked up towards the boy on the ground, “Hey, are you okay?”
The boy had short black hair and a scar on his cheek. As he looked up he was shocked to see a kid with glasses around his age, “Yes, I think so.”
“My name is Leo,” said Leo holding out his hand.
“I’m Creed, where are the police?”
“What police?”
“But, you said sir, which drove them away.”

“Oh, no it’s just me, those idiots just fell for my bluff,” laughed Leo.
“Yo- you bluffed thugs? What if they didn’t fall for it?”
“Well, it worked didn’t it? By the way is that your card?”
Creed picked up the card he was pointing out and held it out to Leo, “No, it must’ve been theirs, here you can have it.”
“Sky Scourge Norleras… now that’s an awesome card, but it’s yours I can’t take it” said Leo shaking his head.
“Crap! I forgot about the finals! Hey Creed, let’s go or we’ll miss it!”
Shaking his head, Creed ran off after him.

“Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the finals of the first Pro League! First I introduce you… Joey Wheeler, Semi Finalist of Battle City!” shouted the commentator.
“W-We’ve made it!” wheezed Leo and he ran into the stadium.
“What’s with this applause?” asked Creed as he took a seat next Leo.
“And now the King of Duels, the one, the only, Yugi Moto!” and with it the stadium was brought alive with chants of Yugi’s name.
As Yugi and Joey shook hands the chanting died and was replaced with a sudden silence.
“Hey Yugi, this is our first serious duel after that day huh?”
“Yes Joey, I’ll be giving it my all, don’t hold anything back”
As Yugi and Joey went back to their corners the commentator shouted, “Duelists! Turn on your duel disks!”
Staring at each other Yugi and Joey both shouted, “It’s time to duel!”

Turn 1: Yugi 4000 Joey 4000

“I start Yugi! I draw… lucky! I summon Gearfried the Iron Knight in attack position and set two cards, I end my turn.”

Gearfried the Iron Knight: Attack 1800 Defense 1600

Turn 2: Yugi 4000 Joey 4000

“Here I go! First, I discard a card from my hand to special summon The Tricky in attack position! I attack your Gearfried with Tricky!”

“I activate my face-down! Skull Dice, your monsters lose 100 attack points for each number it rolls, dice roll! The number is 2! Your Trickys attack drops to 1800 so both of monsters destroy each other!"

“I set a monster and 2 cards to end my turn.”

The Tricky: Attack 2000 Defense 1200

Turn 3: Yugi 4000 Joey 4000

“Trying to hide behind that monster? I activate Reinforcement of the Army to get my Mystic Swordsman LV 2 to my hand! Now Mystic Swordsman, attack his facedown monster! Oh and did I mention? When my swordsman attacks a facedown monster, the monster is destroyed straight away!”

“My Marshmallon!”

““Since your Marshmallon was destroyed before being flipped up, I don’t receive the 1000 points of damage!”

“Great move Joey, but I’m not done! I activate my trap card, Soul Rope! By paying 1000 points when my monster is destroyed, I can summon a level 4 monster from my deck; come forth, Silent Magician LV 4!”

“Good one Yugi, I set a card and end my turn.”

Mystic Swordsman LV 2: Attack 900 Defense 0
Marshmallon: Attack 300 Defense 500
Silent Magician LV 4: Attack 1000 Defense 1000

Turn 4: Yugi 3000 Joey 4000

“I summon Skilled Dark Magician in attack position! Skill Dark Magician, attack his Mystic Swordsman LV 2!”

“Got you! I activate Magical Arm Shield! Now I can take control of your Silent Magician LV 2 and have it take the hit from your Skilled Dark Magician.”

“At this moment, I activate Magician’s Circle! This trap can be activated when a Spellcaster monster declares an attack. Then we can both special summon 1 Spellcaster from our decks with less than 2000 attack points. I summon my Dark Magician Girl!”

“I don’t have any Spellcasters in my deck; however your attack still goes through!”

“Argh... I still have my Dark Magician Girl’s attack left! Now attack Joey’s Mystic Soldier LV 2! I end my turn.”

Dark Magician Girl: Attack 2000 Defense 1700

Turn 5: Yugi 2100 Joey 2900

“I activate Call of the Haunted to bring back my Gearfried the Iron Knight. Then I activate Release Restraint from my hand to tribute my Iron Knight to special summon Gearfried the Swordmaster from my deck!”

“At this moment, my Skill Dark Magician gains 1 spell counter.”

“I attack your Dark Magician Girl and end my turn.”

Gearfried the Swordmaster: Attack 2600 Defense 2200

Turn 6: Yugi 1500 Joey 3900

“Great move Joey, I activate Swords of Revealing Light and set one card. This moment my Skilled Dark Magician gains 2 spell counters, I change it to defense position and end my turn.”

Turn 7: Yugi 1500 Joey 3900

“I’m not sure what that Magician does but it’s enough! I activate Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your Swords of Revealing Light!”

“At this moment, my Magician gains 3 spell counters!”

“Whatever! Gearfried! Destroy his monster!”

“I don’t think so! I activate Magic Cylinder! You take damage equal to your monster’s attack points!”

“Argh… didn’t expect that. I set 1 card and end my turn.”

Turn 8: Yugi 1500 Joey 100

“Now I activate my Skilled Dark Magician’s effect! By tributing it while it has 3 spell counters I can special summon my most worthy monster, Dark Magician! Now I activate Thousand Knives to destroy your Gearfried! Now Dark Magician, attack directly!”

“I don’t think so. I activate Negate Attack!”

“Nice save, I end my turn.”

Dark Magician: Attack 2500 Defense 2100

Turn 9: Yugi 1500 Joey 100

“I activate Pot of Greed to draw two cards from my deck. Now it’s time to meet my ace monster Yugi! I activate Foolish Burial to send my Red Eyes Dark Dragon to the grave. I activate Monster Reborn to bring that back, then I set a card. I end my turn!”

““It’s not over Yugi! The duel is just getting started!”

“Of course! My turn!”

“Leo! Here you are!” shouted somebody as they grabbed onto Leo’s shoulder.
“I told you, no card games for you! Come we are leaving!”
“B-but it’s my dream to be a duelist! It’s nearly over just a bit more please?”
“Of course not! Do you know how worried we were? Running away, you are in big trouble now! We are going back to your grandparent’s house!”
Slowly, Leo turned to Creed, “Sorry… I have to go.”
“You said you wanted to become a professional duelist right? Then I’ll duel you in this stadium when we both become duelists.”
Smiling, Leo shook Creed’s hand and left the stadium.

Creed never saw Leo again for 9 years, but that’s a story for next time.

Last edited by Decato on Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:22 am; edited 1 time in total



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New Legacy - Episode 0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Legacy - Episode 0   New Legacy - Episode 0 Icon_m11Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:49 pm
Pretty awesome.

Looking forward to more Surprised



Team : Toxic Flamingos

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New Legacy - Episode 0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Legacy - Episode 0   New Legacy - Episode 0 Icon_m11Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:42 pm
Cool story bro (no sarcasm), try to implement my character some time! Razz (you can see it in RP section).



Team : Dreamstate

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New Legacy - Episode 0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Legacy - Episode 0   New Legacy - Episode 0 Icon_m11Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:38 am
Great start mate! ;p

so...they are 10yrs old im guessing Razz
mhmm Creed was just holding back against those thugs....his strength is just too much.. :p


Posts : 365

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PostSubject: Re: New Legacy - Episode 0   New Legacy - Episode 0 Icon_m11Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:34 am
nice one keep going deca What a Face


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New Legacy - Episode 0 2ntv8so
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PostSubject: Re: New Legacy - Episode 0   New Legacy - Episode 0 Icon_m11Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:05 am
nice story! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: New Legacy - Episode 0   New Legacy - Episode 0 Icon_m11

New Legacy - Episode 0

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