Match Duel #1: Chaos Piper vs Agents Match Duel #2: Psychics vs Chaos AlchemyMatch #1 = 0/10 points
Match #2 = 8/10 points
Match Deck #1 Construction = 15/20 points
Match #1 Performance = 14/20 points
Match Deck #2 Construction = 17/20 points
Match #2 Performance = 17/20 points
Total = 71/100
Different Decks = 3/3 points
Attitude = 2/2 points
Grand Total =
Replays: of Agents in the tests lately. I already know this is an excellent deck, it's the Trooper version with lots of graveyard recurrence. The only thing I would refrain from is the Chaos Sorc, it can be hard to have fuel for both your chaos monsters, but it's preference. The extra deck is again out of it though. Your Synchros are fine, but you're missing Daigusto Phoenix and Number 96: Dark Mist, the two hard-hitters for your Xyz line-up. I'd take out Hieratic Overlord and one of your level 3's for them. I also have to say, Imperial Iron Wall is a really bad side against Piper and hurts you way more then it hurts me.
I haven't seen Dimensional Alchemist in awhile. The main deck has a really old school feel that hits me right in the nostalgia. The only minor gripes I have are with the side, you have Swordbreaker instead of the superior Messier 7, Two Leviars when you aren't going to summon level 3's often enough to use two (try a Temtempo instead?) and I'd add a Catastor which you can make with Veiler and any Level 4. It seems like your extra isn't refined because you don't use it often. Just remember every bit helps. As far as side decking goes Crossout is a good, versatile card. D.D. Crow is rather antiquated by now.
Match 1:There's not much to say about either game, because I effectively had you from the start. Especial apologies ffor the second game, I know staring down two Black Luster Soldiers is a good reminder of why they're limited!
Match 2:I would not have used Torrential Tribute on my Mole and Serene Witch vs your Rai-oh. You effectively gave me a +1.
The way you baited out my negation with Caius and slammed down the Black Luster Solder after was clever. And the Honest Trick wasn't nice. The third game was really fast too, it was a good deck.
I can say at least your decks are improving, based on what Melchett reported on your Agents. Keep refining. You'll be staying in
Ra Yellow. (DP has not yet been deducted for Instant Retest please update store thread before locking.)