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 Instant Retest Results: Esfo

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Team : Super Friends

Posts : 520

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 15-0-9

Instant Retest Results: Esfo 2ntv8so
Instant Retest Results: Esfo 2ntv8so
1st Division

Instant Retest Results: Esfo Empty
PostSubject: Instant Retest Results: Esfo   Instant Retest Results: Esfo Icon_m11Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:28 pm
Match Duel #1: Thunders vs Thunders
Match Duel #2: Gadgets vs Spellbooks

Match #1 = 5/10 points
Match #2 = 10/10 points

Match Deck #1 Construction = 17/20 points
Match #1 Performance = 14/20 points

Match Deck #2 Construction = 15/20 points
Match #2 Performance = 16/20 points

Total = 77/100

Different Decks = 3/3 points
Attitude = 0/2 points

Grand Total = 80/100


I admit I laughed when I saw you pull out Thunders. Your deck is a standard Thunder build in the main deck. In the Extra deck on the other hand, you're running way too many Synchros compared to Xyz monsters, considering which one you're going to use more often. I would cut a Stardust and a Light End Dragon which you will not need when Vylon is already adding 1000 to your synchro monster. Add more Xyz's like Papllioperative and Black Corn.
As for the Prophecy deck, well, there isn't much to say besides it's entirely made out of Spellbook cards. The only staple you're using is Dark Hole, and you're not using any traps. Frankly your deck looks like a single Thunder King Rai-Oh would kill it. You could at least run Heavy Storm. I do like the Breakers for extra strong spellcasters. As for the Extra deck, I really don't see you getting out Shooting Star Dragon often enough for it to take up extra deck space. You also have a bunch of gimmick level 6 Spellcasters, when your only tuner is Effect Veiler and you don't use level 5's. A Catastor would be a much better investment. Your Extra Deck doesn't really see that much use though so I don't hold it too far against you.

Match 1:
More then once, you summoned Mahunder or Pahunder without using their effects to summon more monsters. There isn't much point to summoning one if you aren't planning to leverage into a second summon. The first time you could have summoned Vylon instead for a level 8 Synchro and saved Mahunder when you had no extra monster on field. Other times you would summon Mahunder, then Pahunder, then a third monster, and only go for a synchro or one rank 4 and leave the leftover monster on field.
The last game was amusing, in that we both had the same Seahorse lacking hand, and drew into him around the same time later. The difference though was that I held back with Sishunder until I had another thunder to summon and start leveraging into returning card advantage, while you used Mahunder and Sishunder right away to get a monster out. i think you need to practice more with the deck and learn when you should push, and when you should hold back.

Match 2:
Considering your hand I wouldn't have played out all those spells and monsters like that on the first turn, if you'd held back a little you could have started turn 3 with 2 High Priestess of Prophecy and a Breaker, with the spellbook to protect them in hand. The Tragodia play was pretty good and got back your key monster. I was surprised you ssidded in a Maxx C, which worked against my Goldfish, but you should add more useful side cards if all you could side is one.

Keep practicing with those decks. You'll be staying in Ra Yellow.


Team : N/A

Posts : 178

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 0-0-0

YGOPro Name : jklhjkl

Instant Retest Results: Esfo 2ntv8so
Instant Retest Results: Esfo 2ntv8so
1st Division

Instant Retest Results: Esfo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instant Retest Results: Esfo   Instant Retest Results: Esfo Icon_m11Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:18 am
DP awarded, No cost (bought from shop), no dorm change and locked.

Instant Retest Results: Esfo

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