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 Retest result: NightmariusD

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Team : Toxic Flamingos

Posts : 1411

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 1-0-2

Duel Career : 45-0-24

YGOPro Name : NickV

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Silver
1st Division

Retest result: NightmariusD Empty
PostSubject: Retest result: NightmariusD   Retest result: NightmariusD Icon_m11Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:04 pm
REPLAYS: http://www.sendspace.com/file/8j6dlg

Match 1

T.G. stun vs Hunder 0:2 - 10/10 points

Performance: 18/20 points

Duel 1: Good plays except near the end where you attacked into an already face up D.D. Warrior Lady with Blackship of Corn. Instead of attacking you could just detach a material to get rid of it. Veiler stopped my Barkion play so it was GG.

Duel 2: Adding those Rai-Ohs was a good choice considering I ran a deck that keeps adding to the hand and this essentially won you the game.

Duel 3: N/A

Deck: 18/20 points

Good overall main deck but the Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning doesn't have enough dark targets to function properly.

Match 2

Blackwing vs Burning Knuckler 2:1 - 3/10 points

Performance: 17/20

Duel 1: You had the perfect setup this game and there was nothing I could really do.

Duel 2: This time it was the other way around: I had counter traps for anything you had early. You came back a few turns later but topping BLS won me the game.

Duel 3: Nice bluff in your last turn, acting like you were setting up a play and had backrow to counter my attacks, but I didn't fall for it.

Deck: 19/20

Solid main deck, nothing I could really add to it. Try testing how Counterblow would work for you. It acts like Kalut and you can easily recycle it.

Total: 85/100


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 90/100

Congratulations, due to overall good sportsmanship and ofcourse skills you've made it to Obelisk Blue!


Team : Toxic Flamingos

Posts : 1366

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 50-0-57

YGOPro Name : Azi

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Bronze
1st Division

Retest result: NightmariusD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retest result: NightmariusD   Retest result: NightmariusD Icon_m11Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:00 pm
Assigned, Awarded, & Thread Locked!

Retest result: NightmariusD

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