Match Duel #1: Frog Lancer vs Blackwing
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 18/20 points
personally i would try to find a space for 3rd copy of blizzard, and BLS but overall it's solid deck.
no major misplays
siding in soul drain, veiler, BLS, mind crush, and maxxc, nice siding you had there lol
no major misplays, just be careful when you activated soul drain.
Match Duel #2: T.G Stuns vs Frog Lancer
8/10 points
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 19/20 points
you could also use enemy controller work very nice when used with treeborn but since you already have 3 creature swap so its not really that important, solid frog decks.
Duel 1:
no major misplays
just dont forget you wont get dupe search eff if you tributed summon him.
Duel 2:
siding in royal decree, mobius, night beam
no major misplays
Duel 3:
first turn LADD prety much killing me, good games.
Different Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
sorry but you will be staying in
Ra yellow dorm for a little longer, but i'm pretty sure you will be in blue soon, work hard next time mate.