Match Duel #1: Six Samurai vs Worm - 1:2
10/10 points
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 18/20 points
Notes: A Solid Worm deck build.
Duel 1:
You couldn't do anything better than what you've done , since you had full hand of monsters.
Duel 2: Sided in 2 Kinetic Soldier , 2 maxx c.
No missplay's.
Duel 3:
Activating torrential tribute and veilering my shien ( Destroyed shi en + barkion ) pretty mutch killed me. I Monster Reborned shi'en but you had gorz. After that i just couldnt make a comeback and you won the duel.
Match Duel #2: Blackwing vs Gravekeeper - 1:2
10/10 points
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Notes : Solid GK Deck build. Only thing i would replace is , -1 GK Guard , +1 Malefic CED.
Duel 1:
I Activated Mind Control on your stardust dragon , you book of moon'ed it for no reason. = You just wasted a book of moon.
On turn 11 you had 2 recruiter's in hand while i had raioh on field. I know effect wouldn't activate , but you should've set one to defend yourself since you were wide opened. I Won the duel turn after that.
Duel 2:
No Major Missplay's.
Duel 3 :
No major missplay's.
Total 90/105
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 95/105
Congratulations , You finally made it to elite Obelisk Blue Dorm.