Match Duel #1: T.G Stun vs Gravekeeper - 2:1
3/10 points
Deck Construction: 16/20 points
Performance: 14/20 points
Replay's :
Very solid gravekeeper deck there.
I Would take out 1 Reborn and 2 Tour-guides and add 3x Forbidden lance.
Duel 1:
No Missplays.
Duel 2:
You sided in 2 Skill Drains. Yes , that helps your malefics but also negates your spy / descendant / tourguide and you need them to "Clear the field" for Malefics.
Turn 8 : You had Descendant And Reborn in your hand. You could've at least set descendant and play reborn to revive zenmaines into defense mode for "Stalling" , but you choose to just end turn instead ( You had 3000 Lp and i had barbaros, temtempo , rush rhino)
Duel 3:
Turn 11 : You summoned 2 tourguides while i had nothing on my field , you should've attacked with them , deal me 2000 damage and THEN summon zenmaines.
Turn 19 : You played heavy storm even thought you had facedown mirrorforce and torrential tribute and faceup necrovalley.
You also said that you have to go and you surrendered the duel. Its a shame because it was getting interesting!
Match Duel #2: Six Samurai vs Machina - -:-
-/10 points
Deck Construction: -/20 points
Performance: -/20 points
Replay's : : You used Machina Gearframe which is forbidden in testing.
Duel 1:
Duel 2:
Duel 3:
Total 33/105
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 38/105
You will be staying in
Slifer Red Dorm for now. Read rules more carefully next time!