Match 1
Madolche vs Malefic Gravekeepers 0:2 - 10/10 points
Performance: 17/20 points
Duel 1: No missplays.
Duel 2: Not attacking after MCED was booked. You should've known it was a Madolche since I set it when activating Ticket; madolche are weak on their own.
Duel 3: N/A
Deck: 17/20 points
Main deck looks good, though there was a lack of siding (only Mind Crush).
You don't need two Utopia and two Zenmaines. Also Utopia Ray is hardly ever viable. You need a Gunman.
Match 2
Blackwing vs Ninja 2:1 - 5/10 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Duel 1: Not using Ebisu when you had another Ninja face up.
Duel 2: No missplays.
Duel 3: Not using Ebisu when you had another Ninja face up.
Deck: 14/20 points
Some of the cards seem to make your deck slower: Senior Silver Ninja, Art of Duplication and Blue Dragon Ninja for example. Add a Dark Dragon/Dinosaur/Sea Serpent since Gozen effectively stops your entire deck; you need a backup. Also, one Art of Transformation with the only target being Maxx "C"? That's way too situational. Even though it did happen in our test, that's basically a 1/100 moment. You can try out two Summoner Monks since that can give you a Shock Master/Ouroboros if you do it right. In that case, also add some more spells.
As for the extra, 2 Stardust Dragons for one Starlight Road? Again Utopia Ray, he's not good and hardly usable. 2 Armor Blade Ninja may be too much; swap one for Excalibur. Definitely add a Maestroke.
Total: 79/100
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 84/100
You'll be staying in the Ra Yellow dorm. Fix that Ninja deck up and you might make it to Obelisk next time.