Match 1
Madolche vs Six Samurai 2:1 - 3/10 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Duel 1: no missplays.
Duel 2: Rivalry and Dimensional Fissure were good side deck choices. However, Gorz with all those continous spell/traps isn't good. Going for Black Rose Dragon was a good choice, but you should have baited to see if I had hand traps by summoning Catastor instead of Shi En.
Duel 3: Activating Soul Drain when you have Dimensional Fissure on the field against Madolche is a waste; they only work from the graveyard. This made you lose 1000 LP and a bluff. Heavy Storming was the only option you really had since you had Gorz in hand, but it made it obvious you had it - or bluffed. Either way I was able to take your remaining LP with a single attack so it was game.
Deck: 17/20 points
Looks like a good build. I would max out Double-Edged Sword Technique though; it gives you more synchro opportunities. I'd swap out Hand of the Six Samurai and Enishii, Shien's Chancellor.
Match 2
Constellar vs Tidatlanteans 1:2 - 8/10 points
Performance: 18/20 points
Duel 1: game didn't fancy letting me use Pleiades in standby phase, so I lost. I don't think there was much that I could do regardless since you would just get over Pleiades with Tidal. No missplays.
Duel 2: no missplays
Duel 3: again no missplays
Deck: 18/20 points
Looks like a good deck, I honestly got nothing to suggest except making space for Mermail Abysstrite (works great with Bahamut Shark!) and maybe Gagaga Cowboy.
Total: 80/100
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 85/100
Congratulations, you've made it to the
Ra Yellow dorm. I don't doubt that you're Obelisk material. Make those slight tweaks and you'll make it next time.