Match 1
Constellar vs Masked Heroes 2:1 - 3/10 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Duel 1: no missplays
Duel 2: Light-Imprisoning Mirror and Gorz do not work together. Drop Gorz if you side in continuous spells/traps.
Duel 3: turn 19: if you XYZ'd to Armor Ninja you would've beaten me. You didn't, so I could take the win later on. Was a great duel though!
Deck: 17/20 points
You should try Rescue rabbit with 3 Sparkman. It should work faster and maybe even more consistant.
This deck is too fast to effectively use 3 Shinings. Cut atleast 1. Same goes for that second Excalibur and Gaia. Add Shockmaster (stun), Gunman (burn, can top beaters) and Maestroke (defense and disturbs monsters).
Match 2
Madolche vs Chain Beat 0:2 - 10/10 points
Performance: 18/20 points
Duel 1: Damn traps! No missplay
Duel 2: Again the traps are just too much. Tour Guide combined with Grand Mole won the game though. Macros sided in is quite god, though it was countered by my Imperial Iron Wall side.
Duel 3: N/A
Deck: 18/20 points
Adding a second Starlight Road wouldn't be a bad idea. Also swap that random Golden Apples for another Shard of Greed. Apples is just a bit too situational and you cannot XYZ with the token.
Total: 82/100
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 87/100
You were very close, but not close enough! You'll be staying in Ra Yellow for a bit longer. Try again though, I'm sure you'll be in Obelisk in no time if you make those small adjustments to your deck(s).