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 Test Results : WhiteFox

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Team : Tricksters

Posts : 479

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 29-0-24

YGOPro Name : Katana

Weekly Bash Silver
Test Results : WhiteFox 2ntv8so
1st Division

Test Results : WhiteFox Empty
PostSubject: Test Results : WhiteFox   Test Results : WhiteFox Icon_m11Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:21 am
Match 1

Zombies vs Naturia 2:0 0/10 points

Performance: 13/20 points

Duel 1: Both of us start off setting cards. Then I go off with Revived King, and unfortunately negate your effect of Naturia Cliff. This did not stop you! You went off with naturia lock, Naturia Musquito + Naturia Cherries + Heart of Clear Water. I stopped it with mirror force, and you went further with nutrients. You overextended further, which isn't exactly the thing you want to do, but it put me in a spot with Tytannial. Eventually after a few turns you stopped one of my plays with D-bribe, but I topped the card I needed gg.

Duel 2: Didn't side anything. Again we both set cards, and start plays. You did a huge overextension with Tytannial going with cherries as support. If I had mirror force it would have been over for you. I think it would have been optimal to go ahead and swing first, and then see what you can set up for M2. Still put me in a spot though. I got rid of your plays with zenmaines and a backrow. You clear watered my Spirit Reaper, which was nice. After a few turns of draw and go, you tried to D-bribe one of my plays, but again I had an out and took the game.

Duel 3: N/A

Deck: 10/20 points

You deck needs a bit more staples. I don't know why you didn't side anything, if you had a side deck. I would try preparing sides like effect veiler, D.D Crow (since you can't use soul drain), and traps that will hinder your opponents deck, while helping migitate your own strategy. If you are trying to enforce the Naturia lock, not sure if you are, then I would work on fixing the deck to have a sophisticated flow and it will run faster. Also, I would add in some staples like mst, and such to help give off balance and maintain card advantage on your part.

I would suggest :
- Inferno Reckless Summon, The Dark Door, Dark Bribe is debatable, Spiritual Forest, and United we Stand.
- (Extra Deck Wise) Decisive Armor, Black-winged Dragon, Life Stream Dragon, Blood Mefist, Armades, Power Tool is debatable, and Hieratic Sun God. I don't even know how you were supposed to pull off Hieratic without killing off your cards.
+ 2 Mirror Force, Torrential, + 2 Pot of Duality to increase consistency. Msts as trade off for bribes, as your deck isn't extremely reliant on protecting 1 single backrow card.
+ Extra Deck Wise Gagaga Cowboy, Scrap Dragon, Maestroke, Utopia, Direwolf, and maybe better stand-off lv 6 Synchro like Gaia Knight.

Match 2

Hunders vs Psychics 2:0 0/10 points

Performance: 14/20 points

Duel 1: I normal 2 Hunder monsters and ram into your Witch. You went for Psychic Jumper. You took my Prism and destroyed your witch. Instead of grabbing another witch. Since I went Abyss-Dweller instead of summoning Wizard for swap, using Doctor for swap would have been more optimal. Don't know why you didn't torrential, when you saw me add Honest 1st turn with Duality, I had sealed the game. Not only this, but you had my omega to chain after torrential.

Duel 2: Didn't side anything. Don't know why you didn't set mirror force turn 1. It costed you a play with Giant Rat as I just went Abyss Dweller. After mirror force, Thunder King Rai-Oh took over the game for quite a good round of terms. After Finally getting over Thunder King, I took the round with Stardust, and Cowboy.

Duel 3: N/A

Deck: 10/20 points

This time around you had a few more notable staples in your deck. Super Polymerization, and Golden Ladybug definitely shouldn't be in the deck. Psychics pay life points for effects, but you can easily make up for it with the right cards giving you card advantage.

I would suggest :
- Inferno Reckless Summon, Golden Ladybug, Psychic Overload (you can tech 1, but I don't think you need more than one as your Psychics build off the grave and inherently stack off of each other) Super Polymirization (Rather Trade it with miracle synchro fusion), - Giant Rat, better to add more Psy monsters and Emergency Teleport which you should abuse at 3 in this case. I would add Destructotron as getting this out for the next turn as witch gets destroyed is a great play. It forces your opponent to not set anything, or you can bomb their backrow right on up! I would only tech 1 though. I maindeck 2 overdrwive teleport to easily get those plusses on the field with Cleric and other monsters on the field. I also would add psychic commander and another Cleric, since you only run 1. You also don't need 3 doctor Cranium. It starts to become a huge dead draw, going into it, as you have other means and options of getting to your cards.
- Extra Deck Wise : Decisive Armor, Black-Winged Dragon, Blood Mefist, Number 104, Evilswarm Ourobos.
+ Scrap Dragon, Cowboy, Maestroke, Hyper Psychic Blaster, and I tech Overmind Archfiend, but not sure how well it works not in the current format, another Axon Kicker if you add miracle synchro fusion instead.
+ Fit it some more staples like Mst, and the cards I mentioned above for the main deck.

Total: 47/100


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 52/100

Congratulations, you are in Slifer Red Dorm! I'm sure if you fix up your decks a bit, and work on your plays, you will definitely make it to Ra Yellow next time! Good luck with your future tests!


Event Manager

Posts : 245

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 0-0-0

YGOPro Name : WhiteFox

Weekly Bash Silver
Test Results : WhiteFox 2ntv8so
1st Division

Test Results : WhiteFox Empty
PostSubject: Re: Test Results : WhiteFox   Test Results : WhiteFox Icon_m11Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:35 am
Why do I need to throw out Black-Winged Dragon? He saved my life several times against burner decks. Dire Wolf....o.O....I have only...2 Beasts..!? Gagaga Cowboy? Ehh well how should I summon him? All my Level 4 must die to resolve their effects. If they do not die and I add your card, I would be forced to make a whole new stradegy......



Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 1559

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 32-0-5

YGOPro Name : Sabbaticus

Team Wars Silver
Order of Chaos
Weekly Bash Gold
3rd Division

Test Results : WhiteFox Empty
PostSubject: Re: Test Results : WhiteFox   Test Results : WhiteFox Icon_m11Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:37 am
Black-Winged Dragon takes up a very important extra deck spot for a deck you are the least likely to encounter, and not guaranteed to even lose against.

Dire Wolf is a generic Xyz, and it's a problem solver. It's not a must, but it can give you an out to any card that would hurt you, such as Macro Cosmos, or Soul Drain (just to give 2 examples), you can run other options but you should always be able to toolbox an out to situations, and the extra deck is the best place to do it. Remember that Diamond Dire can also tribute himself.

Gagaga Cowboy is an essential extra deck card if you can hit rank 4s. It's a game closer, or problem solver. There are countless times where you can drop your opponent to their last LP and they can come back. Many a duelist has been left on 100+ LP and come back to win the duel, and even some people intentionally play knowing they'll still live even with just a bit of LP to hold on to advantage, Cowboy just seals the deal. As I mentioned he can also get over or suicide with big beaters that are otherwise a problem, not many rank 4's can deal with a 2600+ problem. The fact that Cowboy does both of these, makes it a versatile extra deck card, something you definitely want, and well worth an extra deck slot.


Event Manager

Posts : 245

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 0-0-0

YGOPro Name : WhiteFox

Weekly Bash Silver
Test Results : WhiteFox 2ntv8so
1st Division

Test Results : WhiteFox Empty
PostSubject: Re: Test Results : WhiteFox   Test Results : WhiteFox Icon_m11Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:11 pm
I see :3 Thank you ^^ Could someone please give Taisakuno Shouri my 100 DP :I ?



Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 1559

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 32-0-5

YGOPro Name : Sabbaticus

Team Wars Silver
Order of Chaos
Weekly Bash Gold
3rd Division

Test Results : WhiteFox Empty
PostSubject: Re: Test Results : WhiteFox   Test Results : WhiteFox Icon_m11Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:56 pm
Tester DP Awarded, Member DP Deducted, Dorm Assigned & Thread Locked!
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Test Results : WhiteFox Empty
PostSubject: Re: Test Results : WhiteFox   Test Results : WhiteFox Icon_m11

Test Results : WhiteFox

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