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 Retest Results : Hostile

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Team : Tricksters

Posts : 479

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 29-0-24

YGOPro Name : Katana

Weekly Bash Silver
Retest Results : Hostile 2ntv8so
1st Division

Retest Results : Hostile Empty
PostSubject: Retest Results : Hostile   Retest Results : Hostile Icon_m11Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:53 pm
Match 1

Zombies vs. Six Samurai 2:0 0 /10 points

Performance: 17/20 points

Duel 1: 1st turn used heavy storm and set 1 backrow. You didn’t know what deck I was using and you weren’t trying to get over for a play, so even if you made a good play with heavy, I don’t think it was the right judgment call towards the unknown. Maxx C chained my Venus play, and next turn you got over it with Zanji - nice. Turn 8, instead of killing off Zanji itself for the trigger effect to destroy TKR, you got rid of Kizan, which made his effect useless. You also took 1800 from not finishing off with Double Sword. I took the game shortly after.

Duel 2: Only major misplay this duel was repeating a mistake with Double Sword technique again. I would have used double sword for the rank 4, and reborn for grandmaster, instead of Zanji + Grandmaster. Good call on light imprisoning mirror and Chain Disappearance for the Venus plays. You sided well.

Duel 3: N/A

Deck: 18/20 points

Fluid and nice deck. Only a couple of things I need to mention here. You shouldn’t main deck Maxx C in a testing environment. Veiler would have been more suitable instead.

I would : - Zubaba General, - Colossal Fighter, Mist Wurm is debatable.

+ Blackship of Corn, and Gem-Knight Pearl. You need those to get around walls such as Zenmaines (which also showed during this duel), Maestroke for getting around big walls and also great in mirror matches.

Match 2

Zombies vs Prophecy 2:1 5/10 points

Performance: 18/20 points

Duel 1: You setup a loop for your 2nd turn nicely, and set 1 backrow preparing yourself for turn 3. I attack with goblin and get set 2 and pass. I attempted to MF your Batel, but you chained wisdom and also got a search along with me. The grind game continues xD. You fate my synchro play and also SJ my COTH play which was nice on your part. It was a huge cost, but you needed to use it to protect yourself at the time. You should have kept Jowgen in defense position turn 10. You didn’t need to deal 200 points of damage that badly… If you had, I would’ve been in some trouble. Unfortunately for you Priestess came too late, and by then both of us were on a loss of big plays back and forth to make gg.

Duel 2: Don’t have replay for this one. I do know that you took the game relatively easy. You maintained card advantage and made good reads with Fate. You also looped each turn nicely and ended the game with Priestess. You looped Priestess + Wisdom nicely, and made sure I wouldn’t be able to come back. gg

Duel 3: Sided Royal Decree, Snowman Eater, & Soul Drain. Some deadly sides you have there. Don’t think Snowman eater was an optimal side though. You veiler my 1st turn Tour Guide play - nice. Went kycoo + Power and get a free search. You already limited a card in my hand. Next turn everything was going a bit downhill for you. I mind crushed your last Fate search. I got a heavy storm, which didn’t help either. I also negated your snowman eater play by reviving Ha Des. You didn’t top a spell caster to loop again. gg

Deck: 19/20 points

Solid deck build Hostile. Magical Dimension is a debatable tech because it’s a -1 card advantage wise unless you chain it with an attack. I would trade T.G. Wonder Magician for Gagaga Cowboy. You don’t have any means to get that card out. No T.G. non-tuners except Hyper Librarian, which is also a lv 5 synchro monster. You used Fate on King Ha Des, but I had Caius and got rid of Kycoo.

Total: 77/100


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 82/100

You shall be staying in Ra Yellow Dorm. For the most part it was only Match 1 that hindered you from getting Obelisk Blue. I felt as though you couldn't think straight through that match. Keep your head up, and I'm sure you will soon be able to make Obelisk! Good luck on your future tests!


Posts : 969

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 67-0-11

Duel Career : 214-0-93

YGOPro Name : Hostile

Battle Arena Gold
Weekly Bash Gold
1st Division

Retest Results : Hostile Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retest Results : Hostile   Retest Results : Hostile Icon_m11Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:49 am
The biggest problem i had was that the usual broke opening you can have with Sams wasnt there so i had to do some stupid moves to do at least something. It was indeed a mess after a while and the feeling that i couldnt push my Sams to a higher limit made me lose focus. I can do better indeed. Its a bit the story of every game i play...I know i can play good but my performances are not consistent enough and thats what i have to work on towards the future!

I would like to thank you for the test because it was fun and we had good communications during the games!

Next time i will make it blue cuz thats my place, i know it!!!




Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 1559

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 32-0-5

YGOPro Name : Sabbaticus

Team Wars Silver
Order of Chaos
Weekly Bash Gold
3rd Division

Retest Results : Hostile Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retest Results : Hostile   Retest Results : Hostile Icon_m11Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:33 pm
Tester DP Awarded, Member DP Deducted & Thread Locked!
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PostSubject: Re: Retest Results : Hostile   Retest Results : Hostile Icon_m11

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