MATCH: 20/30
Deck Hostile: Chaos Synchro Plants
Deck A3K159: Blackwings
Match Deck Construction: 8.5/10
Match Performance: 18/20
SINGLE: 10/10
Deck Hostile: T.G. Stun
Deck A3K159: Machina Gadgets
Single deck construction: 9/10
Duel performance: 19/20
TOTAL: 84.5/100
Different decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
GRAND TOTAL: 89.5/100 -----> OBELISK dorm
REMARKS: A3K159 you did it my friend!!! It was a thriller but the difference between you and me:
Nothing in fact,lol...
Since the beginning of 2010 we are equal in skillz and stuff. You won because you played
strong and yes your hands were better than mine but i can assure you this: You played
awesome! 1 misplay: Forgot 2 activate Gale's eff on my Librarian.
Congrats A3K159!!!! Obelisk will welcome you with open arms!!!!
REPLAYS: Due to the change of i cant post replays (LINKS) but they are saved if needed.