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 Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR

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Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 335

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 16-0-4

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Gold
1st Division

Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR Empty
PostSubject: Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR   Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR Icon_m11Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:53 pm
Match 1

Zombies vs. Frog Monarch 2:1 - o-x-x - 3/10 points

Performance: 13/20 points

Duel 1: You just kept drawing on Monarchs turn after turn - that prevented me from gaining control back. On my last turn I took a gamble - and you drew the reborn for game.

Duel 2: Again you had tons of monarchs and you drew MST when I played Zombie world; might have been a mistake to hold on to Raiza - could have played it earlier to set me back. At any rate this duel I had the traps to deal with your summons including the TT to your reborn. My DAD ended it next turn.

Duel 3: The bottomless you've set on turn 1 cost you dearly as you were reluctant to use heavy storm and got Torrentialed on two occasions when you summoned a monarch. I think you'd have benefited more by playing the heavy immediately. (Especially since later you used it to take out my Z-World along with same BTH) After that I just had too many resources and all you could top deck was a dead dark bribe.

Deck: 10/20 points

The 45 card count is never a good thing - thin it to 40. Also, you have a lot of traps and back row that hinders the reliance on treeborn frog. Dark Bribe is also not recommended for such decks at all. I suggest you focus more on the frog monarch specific cards and leave the unnecessary S/Ts out of the deck. Regarding the side deck - I saw you added shadow-imprisoning, in general it can cause me some problems, but it also is a problem for your Caiuses - maybe drop some of them when you add SIM. (Also, with 45 cards in the deck - it's a low chance drawing the sided cards anyway)

Replays: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90837170/Sunmoonor%20-%20test%20match%201.zip

Match 2

Chaos-Agent vs. Rabbit Machines 2:1 - x-o-x - 5/10 points

Performance: 14/20 points

Duel 1: Back and forth control on this one. On your last turn you could go for the win if you summoned rabbit and then Fortress - instead you went for the black salvo move which left me alive to win the next turn. (Guess you were afraid of my face down)

Duel 2: You opened very strong with limiter removal on the two chasers - this was a very risky move that could have back fired big time if I had Honest or Gorz; lucky for you I didn't have them. Then your bottomless was enough to secure the win.

Duel 3: You had to go - and therefore forfeited this duel.

Deck: 11/20

Interesting combinations of the normal machines with rabbit and other machine support cards; but again 43 cards in the deck - try cutting it to 40, it will give you more chance to draw what you need. Also, the deck is lacking heavy storm, I don't see a reaoson to not run it. There was also no noticeable side deck, so you better work on that aspect as well.

Replays: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90837170/Sunmoonor%20-%20test%20match%202.zip

Total: 56/100


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 61/100

You'll remain in Slifer Red dorm for now. Try and work on fine tuning your decks and get them to the optimal 40 cards count. Better luck next time.

Cost of retest (100 DP) should be deducted.


Team : Lethal Bullets

Posts : 478

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 21-0-43

YGOPro Name : SunMoon

Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR 2ntv8so
Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR 2ntv8so
1st Division

Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR   Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR Icon_m11Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:01 pm
* sigh *


Team : N/A

Posts : 178

Duel Points : 100

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Duel Career : 0-0-0

YGOPro Name : jklhjkl

Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR 2ntv8so
Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR 2ntv8so
1st Division

Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR   Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR Icon_m11Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:04 pm
DP awarded, cost taken, no dorm change and locked.
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Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR   Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR Icon_m11

Re-Test Results: SunMoonOR

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