Card of Demise (Spell)
Draw until you have 3 cards in your hand, also send your entire hand to the Graveyard during the End Phase. For the rest of this turn, your opponent takes no damage. You can only activate 1 "Card of Demise" per turn. You cannot Special Summon during the turn you activate this card.
I wonder how many of you actually remember this card from the manga when it used to be draw until you have 5 and then discard all cards in your hand 5 turns later. While not as OP as that card, COD is still a great card.
Well the advantage of this card is quite simple, draw until you have 3 cards in your hand. Negatives are you lose your hand during end phase, you cannot Special Summon and your opponent takes no damage.
Note that you can attack with monsters and then use COD during Main Phase 2 to get the draws and also inflict damage to your opponent (while you cannot use COD on the turn you special summon'ed and vise versa).
I'll make it clear now, meta decks (in the TCG at the time of writing) such as PK-Fire, Monarchs, Kozmos, Majespectors etc; would not see a great use for this card. In order to utilize this card efficiently the deck needs some requirements:
1. A low monster count: quite simple, you do not want to draw into monsters you cannot summon (as you cannot ss) which would just go straight to the grave during end phase.
2. Need to set up field/high count of defensive traps: related to the first point, Stun decks are really good to splash Card of Demise into. Otherwise if the deck requires a quick setup to go off (e.g. I've seen Demise Heroes work quite well), it is something to consider.
3. Lack of draw cards: In case you didn't know, Upstart is at one (yes... I know), and while we are still getting cards like Cupidity, for not many generic draw cards are left. It is fair to say that using Card of Demise with any 'old school' decks with enough back row would enable it to fulfill the role of a rouge deck.
So while Card of Demise is quite a conditional card and requires some thinking when using (to a certain extent), if you love using non-meta decks like me, you'll definitely find a space in your deck for it.
p.s. there is a option to vote for the next Featured Card.